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Understanding the Finnish Wine Market

Finland is a beer drinking country where craft ales are currently booming. Nearly half - 47% - of all alcohol consumed is beer, compared to just 19% for wine. But wine is fighting for its place
*source: Meininger's Wine Business International, 2022 April 14

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Source: Alko Oy/Image Bank

The wine boom only begain in 1987

The wine boom arrived in 1987 when the father of Finnish wine culture, Juha Berglund, opened a wine accessory shop called Decanter, created the first and still only wine magazine, Viinilehti, two years later, before purchasing Ch.Carsin in Bordeaux in 1990

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The Alko Monopoly

Alko consists of 371 shops and around 2,500 empolyees. It is a state-owned private company like Sweden's Systembolaget and Norway's Vinmonopolet.

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Source: Photo: Katri Lehtolo, Alko Oy/Image Bank

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